What is Channeling

In this module, I open to channel my Spirit Guides to offer you an explanation on what is Channeling.

They explain that Channeling is being able to step aside from the typical, incessant chatter in our minds, to make room for their wisdom.

They mention that it is important to receive the messages by clearing the mind and allowing it to flow through from the crown chakra.

It is also important to make manifest some of their wisdom. You can bring to life their wisdom, as they offer messages to help our everyday.

Channeling is being able to get out of your own mind, raising your vibration to connect with the flow of the universe, to tap into higher wisdom.

Channeling involves invoking a state of stillness.

Channeling looks different to everybody.

You can channel any sentient being- ex. plants, the Earth, the Sky, higher selves, inner childs, crystals, Angels, etc.

You can channel specific guides to assist with specific projects (ex. artistic guides to help with art projects)

More details coming in the next modules!

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